The Outcomes Star for visually impaired people
Copyright: Triangle Consulting Social Enterprise Limited
The VIP Star is designed for blind and partial sighted people, with specific accessibility features built into the VIP Star Online and the VIP paper-based materials.
The VIP Star was developed by Triangle with the Pocklington Trust and Blind Veterans UK.
The VIP Star covers nine key outcome areas:
- Managing visual impairment
- Health
- Where you live
- Looking after yourself
- Meaningful activity
- Social life
- Money
- How you feel
- Dignity
Each of the nine outcomes areas applies an underlying five-stage Journey of Change in a specific way – some are related to changes people need to make and some are about their circumstances and situation. The end points for all nine areas link to maximising independence and well-being, or circumstances being as good as they can be.
Full resources are available for organisations with a Star Licence and training for all workers and managers using the Star.