Have you purchased a licence to use the Outcomes Star? Being licensed to use the Star is a prerequisite for being trained. If you’d like to know more about licensing look here
Outcomes Star Open courses
Our Introductory Open courses are delivered via 3 x 2.5 hour Zoom sessions over a three-week period, at a cost of $390 AUD + GST per participant*
‘Specific Stars’ courses are designed for participants using similar versions of the Star. The course will provide a sound introduction to the fundamentals of using the Star effectively with the added benefit of focusing on what is considered good practice when using the Star with particular client groups.
‘All Stars’ courses are designed for participants using any of the 50+ versions of the Star. All versions of the Outcomes Star use a 5 stage Journey of Change and are underpinned by a strengths-based, client-centred, trauma-informed practice approach so it’s possible to focus on several different versions in the same course. The course will provide a sound introduction to the fundamentals of using the Star effectively to collaboratively assess, plan and measure change. During the course, participants will be encouraged to become familiar with the provided materials and guidance for the particular version you have nominated.
If the Star version used in your service is listed in an upcoming ‘Specific Stars’ course please register for that course rather than an ‘All Stars’ course. The ‘Specific Star’ courses are preferable unless there is an urgency to be trained and an ‘All Stars’ course fits your time frame better.
Please make sure you are able to fully attend all three sessions.