Have you purchased a licence to use the Outcomes Star? Being licensed to use the Star is a prerequisite for being trained. If you’d like to know more about licensing look here

Outcomes Star Open courses

Our Introductory Open courses are delivered via 3 x 2.5 hour Zoom sessions over a three-week period, at a cost of $390 AUD + GST per participant*

‘Specific Stars’ courses are designed for participants using similar versions of the Star. The course will provide a sound introduction to the fundamentals of using the Star effectively with the added benefit of focusing on what is considered good practice when using the Star with particular client groups.

‘All Stars’ courses are designed for participants using any of the 50+ versions of the Star. All versions of the Outcomes Star use a 5 stage Journey of Change and are underpinned by a strengths-based, client-centred, trauma-informed practice approach so it’s possible to focus on several different versions in the same course. The course will provide a sound introduction to the fundamentals of using the Star effectively to collaboratively assess, plan and measure change. During the course, participants will be encouraged to become familiar with the provided materials and guidance for the particular version you have nominated.

If the Star version used in your service is listed in an upcoming ‘Specific Stars’ course please register for that course rather than an ‘All Stars’ course. The ‘Specific Star’ courses are preferable unless there is an urgency to be trained and an ‘All Stars’ course fits your time frame better.

Please make sure you are able to fully attend all three sessions.

Registration for Open Star courses:

    Triangle have developed a web application called Star Online used to capture and store Star data. If you use your own 3rd party software, please tick no in the question above.
  • Terms & Conditions

  • You will be invoiced upon registration and full payment is required in advance of the training. If you cancel your registration more than 14 days in advance of the training you will receive a full refund. Cancellations made between 7 and 14 days in advance will receive a 50% refund. There will be no refund for cancellations made within 7 days of the training. Participants unable to attend due to unforeseen circumstances arising within 7 days of the training are asked to contact us asap at contact@uniqueoutcomes.com.au to discuss options. This may include nominating a colleague to take your place or registering for a future course. Participants who have not paid and who either do not show for the training, or alternatively cancel within 7 days of the training, will receive an invoice for the full fee.
  • I understand that in order to use the Star with clients I must fully attend all sessions and receive an attendance certificate. If I miss any session of the course, it is my responsibility to register online to complete the missed session. This will incur an additional administration fee of $50 +GST AUD per session.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.