Being outcomes focused is a growing area of importance for commissioners and funders in many sectors. For example, achieving “person-centred and outcomes focused commissioning” is the primary standard set by the Local Authority Association for commissioners, and in the NHS, outcomes based contracts are becoming more and more established.

We believe introducing the Outcomes Star into frontline services is an effective way to achieve this goal and to foster a person-centred way of working for you as a commissioner and your commissioned services. Because it is a tool for both measuring outcomes and for supporting them to be achieved in the first place, we believe the Outcomes Star can bring unique benefits. By measuring the intrinsic factors that really matter in a person’s life, the Star helps services and commissioners focus more on the change that is being achieved. And, by being an accessible and empowering tool, it fosters consistent, outcomes-driven keywork whilst bringing the service user into the process – done with, not done to.

The Outcomes Star is widely used by commissioners and funders from Local Authorities in the UK, whether that’s in in-house services, by being written into contracts and tenders, or by strongly encouraging and supporting service providers to use it. Triangle are keen to work with funders and commissioners and establish ways to help them and the services they fund to get the most out of the Star. 

Below we provide more information about how specific elements of the Outcomes Star can support the commissioning process. If you have any questions about how the Star and Triangle can support you as a commissioner or funder, or if you have any further examples of best Star practice that you can share, please contact us.

Benefits and Pitfalls of the Star for Commissioners and Funders

Guidance for commissioners and funders on how to get the most out of the Outcomes Star, based on Triangle’s experience over the last 10 years. Find out what how the Star can benefit commissioners and funders as well as service providers and users.


The Star and Payment by Results

A summary of our research and understanding as to how the Star can be used most effectively in a PbR context


Using the Star in Service Planning

An overview of how the Journey of Change, fundamental to every version of the Outcomes Star, can support commissioners and funders in planning for service funding, provision and design.