About Outcomes Star

Since the mid-2000s, the Outcomes Stars have been helping workers and clients around the world to have more meaningful conversations that build momentum for positive change and help everyone notice when change is happening.

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Getting Started

In this section, you’ll find info to help work out whether the Outcomes Star might fit for your service, which Star/s might work best for you and the options for licensing and training.

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Using the Star well

The Outcomes Star looks simple but workers often tell us it takes great skill to use the Star well and achieve its potential as a way to positively influence client outcomes.

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Unique Outcomes is exclusively licensed by the originators of the Outcomes Star, Triangle Consulting in the UK, to represent the Outcomes Star in Australia and New Zealand.

Our longstanding commitment to supporting the development of collaborative and evidence-based approaches is well expressed in this role and we continue to provide a range of other services. Please click here to check these out.