The Outcomes Star for young asylum seekers
Copyright: Triangle Consulting Social Enterprise Limited
The Planning Star is designed for use with young asylum seekers who have separated from their family and come to this country to seek asylum.
The Star has been developed for use with children and young people, both unaccompanied asylum seekers and those who have come to this country to settle with relatives. The Planning Star can be used with a range of ages, from the very young, through late teens and with those who are supported into their twenties.
The Planning Star was developed by Triangle during 2018/2019 with a diverse group of collaborators including South East Strategic Partnership for Migration and Pathways to Independence UK. The project was funded through a Controlling Migration Fund bid which was hosted by Brighton & Hove City Council on behalf of the local authorities in the south east region. The development process involved local authority managers and practitioners along with managers and workers from PTI. There have been a number of focus groups with young people and participation from the Refugee Council, the Enthum Foundation, the WISE project, the Hummingbird project, John Ruskin College and Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust.
The Planning Star covers eight areas:
- Where you live
- Education, activities and work
- Physical health
- People and support network
- Money
- Understanding life in the UK
- How you feel
- Immigration process
Full resources are available for organisations with a Star Licence and training for all workers and managers using the Star.
We are also actively researching into the psychometric properties of the Planning Star and Star data and intend on publishing a factsheet for this Star. Contact us for more information.