The Outcomes Star for people in later life
Copyright: Triangle Consulting Social Enterprise Limited
The Older Person’s Star has a focus on re-enablement and measures progress towards maximising independence and well-being. It is suitable for use in settings with one-to-one support from a keyworker, but also includes a shorter version which is suitable for use in resource centres or day services, where there is less one-to-one time with older people.
The Older Person’s Star was developed by Triangle with service providers and commissioners from Camden, Westminster, Brent and Hammersmith and Fulham Borough Councils.
You may also want to explore the Independent Living Star – a variant of the Older Person’s Star with an 8th outcome area on managing at home. The Independent Living Star is specifically designed for services aiming to enable people to stay at home where they can, and is suitable for adults of all ages, not just older people.
The Older Person’s Star covers seven outcome areas:
- Staying as well as you can
- Keeping in touch
- Feeling positive
- Being treated with dignity
- Looking after yourself
- Staying safe
- Managing money
The Journey of Change underpinning the Star is based on steps from ’cause for concern’ to ‘as good as it can be’, so all older people can reach ’10’ (or ‘5’ in the shorter version) and the Star captures the difference that services make.
Full resources are available for organisations with a Star Licence and training for all workers and managers using the Star.