The Outcomes Star for community involvement
Copyright: Triangle Consulting Social Enterprise Limited
The Community Star enables community groups and organisations to measure and report on the success of community involvement projects.
The Community Star was developed by Triangle in collaboration with Groundwork UK and 17 Groundwork Trusts. The collaboration took place as part of the Greener Living programme, which was sponsored by Marks & Spencers through the sale of plastic bags in their stores.
The Community Star Online is available thanks to the financial support of the Big Lottery Fund who contracted Triangle to develop the online version. In addition we worked alongside the New Economics Foundation to explore the use of the Community Star to provide evidence of value within a Social Return on Investment (SROI) exercise.
The Community Star and additional survey postcard measure progress and outcomes across six key areas, each of which is underpinned by a five-stage Journey of Change:
- Feeling safe
- Getting to know people
- Making a difference
- Building a healthy lifestyle
- Making greener choices
- Confidence and learning
Full materials are available for organisations with a Star Licence and training for all managers and workers using the Star.