There is a growing body of evidence demonstrating the validity and reliability of the Outcomes Star.
For a summary of this evidence, download “The Outcomes Star: Unpacking the Evidence.”
The evidence and research assess two aspects of the Outcomes Star:
- The effectiveness of the Star as a keywork tool, assessing the extent to which:
- the Star measures the things that matter to service users
- the Star helps service users and practitioners to make sense of the situation and to make the changes they need to make.
- The validity of the Star as an outcomes tool – assessing the extent to which:
- The Star demonstrates change over time in a service (‘responsiveness’)
- The Star relates to the scores produced by other tools measuring the same construct (‘convergent validity’)
- The Star can be used consistently across workers (‘inter-rater reliability’)
- The Star can be used consistently over time (‘test-retest reliability’)
- The Star areas fit together coherently (‘internal consistency’ and ‘factor structure’)
Research Library
A full list of all reports and published articles about the Outcomes Star can be found in Triangle’s Research Library. This list can be filtered by each version of the Star, as well as by key topic or theme.
Psychometric Factsheets
A full list of all development reports and psychometric factsheets for each Star. This list can be filtered by each version of the Star, as well as by key topic or theme.